North America

Main Core: the Demise of Democracy in the USA

Friday, 01 August 2008
By monsveneris
The dictatorial governments of Communist China, North Korea, the former Soviet Union and its Eastern Block proxies have all been quite rightly condemned for their use of torture, false imprisonment, fear-mongering, illicit surveillance of ordinary citizens and political show trials.

Under the Bush/Cheney administration, the USA stands likewise condemned.

Read more: Main Core: the Demise of Democracy in the USA

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Alias Jones, Vagabond Traveler / Writer

Friday, 26 September 2008
By Alias Jones
Bush:  "Our Entire Economy is in Danger"...

Read more: Alias Jones, Vagabond Traveler / Writer

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America: Disfunctional & Defunct

Saturday, 04 October 2008
By monsveneris
Imagine you are an American citizen registered to vote. Not only registered but intending to vote, which is something else again. Hmm, Obama or McCain, Biden or Palin?

The fact is MOST Americans do NOT cast a vote for in elections for President. Then again, given the usual limited breed of candidate - the usual suspects! - perhaps this anti-democratic phenomenon is understandable.

Perhaps most Americans just don't give a damn about which uber-rich corporate flunky runs and ruins the country?

Read more: America: Disfunctional & Defunct

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Dubya's Legacy: the Long Goodbye

Monday, 15 December 2008
By monsveneris
With outgoing US President George W. Bush increasingly worried about history’s take on his catastrophic “legacy”, reporter Muntadar al-Zaidi, of Al-Baghdadia TV was in no doubt when he hurled his shoes at the worlds most dangerous idiot during a press conference in Baghdad this week (In Arab culture, the soles of shoes are considered the ultimate insult).

"This is a gift from the Iraqis. This is the farewell kiss, you dog," the journalist shouted in Arabic, adding "This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq" as minders jumped all over him.

But as grieving Iraqi and Afghani families continue to suffer the consequences of Bush’s madness, and millions of Americans lose their jobs and homes in a failing US economy, this “farewell” kiss is clearly the “long goodbye”.

Read more: Dubya's Legacy: the Long Goodbye

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