Dear Boxhead
> What on earth is the Higgs Boson and how much compensation do it get?
> Your name: V.J.Somlyay
Dear Vagina Juices! I assume thats what V.J stands for, right?
As I write this response im being pursued by a pack of ninjas on turtles.. Not ninja turtles actual ninjas riding turtel. Sorry im getting sidetracked.
The best way to describe it without useing words only so called "sintisits" understand!
Pitcher the Higgs Bonson as a huge kourk shoved up the universes ass, and if it comes out where all up shit creek. It is holding all the mass (shit in this case) of infinty.
And yes we will be getting some compensation not money though, Instead we get permistion to slap anyone that believes in god.
With love always The man with a box for a head AKA Box Head. xoxoxox <3
Dear BoxheadWhat on earth is the Higgs Boson and how much compensation do I get?
Dear Vagina Juices! I assume that's what V.J stands for, right?
As I write this response I'm being pursued by a pack of ninjas on turtles. Not ninja turtles but actual ninjas riding turtles. Sorry, I'm getting side tracked.
The best way to describe the Higgs Boson without using words that only so called scientists will understand is as follows!
Picture the Higgs Bonson as a huge cork shoved up the universe's arse. If it comes unstuck we're all up shit creek as it is holding in all the mass (shit in this example) of infinity.
And yes we will be getting some compensation, not money though. Instead we get permission to slap anyone that believes in god.
With love always
The man with a box for a head AKA Box Head. xoxoxox <3