
Gotta Getaway... Outta this modern day hell...


Friday, 28 July 2023
By Frank Blues

Yeh. Getaways.

sea level 20230718 1324541474

Read more: Getaways.

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It's A Man's Life in the (Pirate) Navy

Friday, 31 March 2023
By Pirate Tales of Yore

Tales ribald and true.

signal 2023 03 29 15 28 29 920 20230329 1408829776

Just you and the boys cruising the 7 seas.

Read more: It's A Man's Life in the (Pirate) Navy

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North of the Tweed River...

Sunday, 28 March 2021
By FNQ Watcher

...they breed a different kind of man. A freedom loving man.

Nothing they fear. They guard the river bank, naked and not ashamed.

ancient pecker

Read more: North of the Tweed River...

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What we can look forward to with President Trump

Friday, 20 January 2017
By Working for the Clampdown

IN all honesty it is hard to predict the probabilities when the possibilities are endless.

FOR SURE it is the new dawn. Of a new day. 

AND we have a new leader of the free world...

Read more: What we can look forward to with President Trump

Offend-o-Meter: 5 / 5

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100 YEARS OF WAR! Celebrating the Centenary of World War One

Friday, 19 December 2014
By AJP Taylor's Left Testicle



In our special series on the centenary of the War to End all Wars, will tell you the stories the others keep hidden. That’s because unlike the pathetic patriotic crap dished up by the lamestream media, scribes have actually been working. They have been researching the role played by all the nations involved, not just the usual players. The stories they have uncovered will amaze you. Tales of apparitions, spiritual visitations, and just the plain old bizarre. Stories about the events and people that really happened during the First World War and shaped the world we live in today.

Today we take a close look at one of the Leaders that sent humanity off to the killing machine of the trenches. The French President George Pompadour Jnr...

Read more: 100 YEARS OF WAR! Celebrating the Centenary of World War One

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Vale Gough! Australia's Legendary PM

Wednesday, 22 October 2014
By Max Gross

Twilight of the Gods
Tuesday 21 October 2014: Gough Whitlam has died. He was 98 years old.

Back in 1972 he was the Labor hero who defeated an entrenched political oligarchy not only in government but also in his own party.

He was Australia's most progressive prime minister for just three years before grinding to a halt in circumstances too outrageous to imagine, yet in its brief existence his government increased equal opportunity in this country more than any before - or since.

If anything formed my view of Australian politics it is how this mighty reformer was chewed up and spat our by our "constitutional monarchy" and "free market economy".

Forget Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. I realised Democracy and the democratic process of government as I knew it had only been assumptions.

I was a teenager on a tram making my way to a job interview when I saw a newspaper headline proclaiming the dismissal of the Whitlam Labor government by John Kerr, the Governor-General.

Excuse me, who? The what? The fucking WHAT?

Was this independent 20th Century Australia or Ye Olde Fucking England?

Like many, I was shocked. How was such a thing possible?

But after 23 torpid years of "Liberal" dominance the born-to-rule spivs couldn't believe they had been banished to the Opposition benches and had plotted Whitlam's demise with the aid and abettal of the US government.

Read more: Vale Gough! Australia's Legendary PM

Offend-o-Meter: 5 / 5

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