Latin America
The Romans discovered this part of the world centuries ago.
Chavez hits a home run! U.S. cronies cry foul ball!
Wednesday, 18 August 2004
By monsveneris
International observers monitoring the recall referendum in Venezuela agree that President Hugo Chávez has won. Naturally the U.S. sponsored opposition cries foul but monitors say they found no signs of fraud. Referring to his victory in baseball terminology, Chávez remarked "the ball must have fallen right in the middle of the White House. It's a present for Bush."
Read more: Chavez hits a home run! U.S. cronies cry foul ball!
If We Were Venezuelan...
Friday, 13 August 2004
By monsveneris
IF WE WERE VENEZUELAN, ON AUGUST 15TH, 2004, WE WOULD VOTE FOR HUGO CHAVEZ We, the signers of this manifesto, wish to express our solidarity with the struggle that, alongside President Hugo Chavez, the majority of the Venezuelan people are waging in defense of their right to freely determine their future.
At the same time, we wish to denounce the disinformation campaign that is being orchestrated by the major media and that attempts to characterize as a tyrant, a President who has consistently respected the rule of law and the country’s Constitution.
Friday, 05 March 2004
By monsveneris
What are the actual circumstances of Haitian President Aristide's exit from office last Sunday? He calls it kidnapping. So do some U.S. Congressmen. One thing's for sure: Aristide's flight wasn't voluntary. He was kicked out, and once again the boot was made in the U.S.A.
Remember the Terror of 11 September
Thursday, 11 September 2003
By Max Gross
WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN DEATH Let’s commemorate the victims of terrorism. And let’s not cherry-pick among the dead. Let’s not get fussy with our grief and moral outrage.
It was 30 years ago today, on 11 September 1973, that President Salvador Allende Gossens of Chile was killed in a military coup d'etat supported, aided and abetted by the United States of America.
Long Live Democracy! Down with Terrorism!
Wednesday, 11 September 2002
By Max Gross
It was a clear sunny day. People went innocently about their business. Without warning, death plunged from the sky. Screaming aircraft shattered the building, sowing cruel death, injury and horror.
No amount of idealism can justify these savage attacks on innocent people, which can only be condoned by deranged fanatics.
No, not in New York, USA, in 2001. This was in Santiago, Chile, in 1973.
Wednesday, 24 April 2002
By Max Gross
VENEZUELAN EL PRESIDENTE HUGO CHAVEZ IS BACK, BUT THOSE WHO FAILED TO TOPPLE HIM THIS TIME ARE SURE TO TRY AGAIN Max Gross says if it smells like a rat, looks like a rat, and acts like a rat, it's the US Government.