A Biography of Life

When Daffy fucked Daisy. What to do when Cartoon Porn runs Rampant

Friday, 24 November 2017
By Duck Shots

Critical Public Culture study can result in diabolical pornographic idiocy.

What is it about cartoon sex? Ribald images of anthroporeatomised creatures getting it on in all sorts of ways...

Even better when it is our own proud culture doing it; rather than those heinous Nips and their perverted Hentei rubbish.


Read more: When Daffy fucked Daisy. What to do when Cartoon Porn runs Rampant

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Friday, 23 September 2016
By A Hapless Historian

In our special series on the centenary of World War One, the War to End all Wars, XenoxNews.com will tell you the stories the others keep hidden. That’s because unlike the pathetic patriotic claptrap dished up by the lamestream media, XenoxNews.com scribes have actually been working. They have been researching the role played by all the nations involved, not just the usual players. The stories they have uncovered will amaze you. Tales of apparitions, spiritual visitations, and just the plain old bizarre. Stories about the events and people that really happened during the First World War, and shaped the world we live in today...


...an outhouse from hell!


"We live, we fuck, we eat, we shit, we die." So said that huckster Marquis de Sade. And nowhere was his pithy aphorism more appropriate than the hell of Verdun.

Verdun graves

Read more: THE VERDUN DUNNY...

Offend-o-Meter: 5 / 5

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100 YEARS OF WAR! Celebrating the Centenary of World War One

Thursday, 06 August 2015
By AJP Taylor's Left Testicle

Eleanor & the Doughboys

In our special series on the centenary of World War One, the War to End all Wars, XenoxNews.com will tell you the stories the others keep hidden. That’s because unlike the pathetic patriotic claptrap dished up by the lamestream media, XenoxNews.com scribes have actually been working. They have been researching the role played by all the nations involved, not just the usual players. The stories they have uncovered will amaze you. Tales of apparitions, spiritual visitations, and just the plain old bizarre. Stories about the events and people that really happened during the First World War, and shaped the world we live in today...

American involvement in World War One was short and, in terms of actual fighting, very small. But their psychological impact was huge. In fact, once he heard the Yanks had joined the fight the Kaiser fled to Holland. That's how shit scared he was!

Young EleanorRoosevelt

But the Yanks were fighting long enough to have one famous visitor; Eleanor Roosevelt. The neice of former US President Teddy Roosevelt and future First Lady to President FDR. The tale of her trip to the battlefields of France has long been hidden but XenoxNews has done the research, and can now tell you the full story about Eleanor and the Doughboys...

Read more: 100 YEARS OF WAR! Celebrating the Centenary of World War One

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Wednesday, 01 February 2012
By Lady Sweets

Nine, nein, nien. nyet, fucker, bang, blare and hoolahoop. Dexter god fuck me drunk for all time



oh nice. - Too bad truncated

Author Name: Lady Sweets

Preferred Category: Entertainment or music or immortality

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My Philosophy

Friday, 11 February 2011
By Living by the way of the Hammer

Is simple.


From many years of experience.



Boiled down to the essence...


I'll fuck anything that moves!



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Cap'n Beefheart Gone

Saturday, 18 December 2010
By Tex Lumbago

Did you know he helped develop the 2 litre cask of fine wine?


Was in Eildon Road on a sunny winters afternoon with Frugal and Ryder enjoying the sweet taste of Langwarra flagon ($2.42 a bottle) when a knock on the door.


Survey person knocked on the door, and I believe it was I who moved the empties aside to open the door.

"What was our opinion on cask wine?"

It was fine; drank it all the time.


"Would we be interested in fine wine in a cask wine store?"


Hmmm...  needed to ask the boys? Whadday ya reckon?

"How much?"

"How good the wine?"


Ah, yes, we would be interested. The surveyman put the tick in the box.


And in a few months there it was in the POW bottle shop; 2 litre fine wine. In casks.


The Cap'n? Well he was the soundtrack that made the surveyman popping looks over my shoulder into our bottle crowded living room...


Our heads our only house until it rains...

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