Celebrity Tales

Send in the Clowns! Trumps lackeys fall at the first hurdle

Well, what did you expect? The Orangeman is a fuckwit. And you can bet that anyone that wants to work for him is a moron or a scammer, or more likely both.

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Will Prince Willies randy ways lead to the end of the Royal Family...

...and with that, the end of England?

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Betty Bites the Bullet

Elizabeth Windsor, the “Queen” of England has finally died, aged 97, having “reigned” for 70 years.

She and her inbred brood have been a background noise all my life but I still have no bloody idea what she or they actually did/do for a living.

Queen Lizzie

What type of English Royal Family Do we Want?

Questions have been raised about the Germans in Buckingham Palace...

 Queen Mum on the Piss

Maybe it is time for a rebrand. Let's get them some new PR hacks, and get ourselves a brand fucking new Royal Family.



October 1943 and The Big 3 meet at Tehran. I was lucky to be there as a junior diplomatic officer for the Australian Government…

What can Indian PM Modi teach the West?

He is the new leader of a vibrant and dynamic country that is rapidly climbing up the economic ladder to success.

Experts and scholars agree that Narendra Modi is a unique talent who will change the face of India, and perhaps the world, forever. 

modi drummer