Well, what did you expect? The Orangeman is a fuckwit. And you can bet that anyone that wants to work for him is a moron or a scammer, or more likely both.
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- Captain Fuckwit
Well, what did you expect? The Orangeman is a fuckwit. And you can bet that anyone that wants to work for him is a moron or a scammer, or more likely both.
Questions have been raised about the Germans in Buckingham Palace...
Maybe it is time for a rebrand. Let's get them some new PR hacks, and get ourselves a brand fucking new Royal Family.
October 1943 and The Big 3 meet at Tehran. I was lucky to be there as a junior diplomatic officer for the Australian Government…
He is the new leader of a vibrant and dynamic country that is rapidly climbing up the economic ladder to success.
Experts and scholars agree that Narendra Modi is a unique talent who will change the face of India, and perhaps the world, forever.