What Ails You

The Buddha said life is Pain. So, what is that Ails you in this life of misery?

Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell

While we wail at a nightmare of genocidal bullshit our little golfball is cooking up.


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Overcoming a Corroding, Long COVID Infected Brain

Chance of getting Long COVID?

10% - 20% with every infection.

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Controlled Opposition
Controlled Opposition

The Covid19 Conspiracy Explained Once And For All

My read on the Covid19 virus and vaccine conspiracy in ten dot points.

COVID Intelligence

COVID19 is an intelligent virus
Like any parasite it fights to survive
It listens to its host for signals
And then adjusts its containment accordingly.
It can hide in a toe or a teste
Or in a wounded knee.

The clever host does not fear COVID19
The clever host exploits the fucker
The clever host knows 19 is listening
and proceeds to issue commands.
The clever host takes advantage of the invader
And uses it for systemic aggrandisement.

Just as psilocybin communicates with it's imbiber
COVID19 listens
So if you are fortunate enough to contract this clever virus
Proceed to issue it commands!
And instead of it lazying around in your lung or spleen
Get it to work repairing whatever you need.

Vlad, Scott, Clive, Floods & Covid

Fires in the west, floods in the east. Welcome to Australia as Autumn arrives. Meanwhile, in the Northern Hemisphere, Ukraine has skipped Spring and plunged into a Russian Winter of discontent.

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“Daggy Dad’s” Covid Army

After going back to school in New South Wales as instructed by the government, more than 3,000 people – about 2,400 students and more than 600 school workers – tested positive to Covid in the first week of term. Just 43.2% of primary school-aged children have received their FIRST dose of a coronavirus vaccine.

As if Australia needs yet another Covid-19 crisis!

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The Year That Was 2024