Astral Travelling


Why don't we make it in the sky?

Buffalo head



The by-ways & hi-ways of the Quantum Mind

I have heard that we are all just made up of the turgid miasma of existence. Small little things, bundled together in a wave-particle extravaganza. Which always make me wonder...

Which particles are in my brain?

Just the normal, or the anti-normal?

nothing wrong with the drugs i take 3 20140424 1847125858

Easter 2024 Ruminations

Easter.  A time of hope and contemplation. A time of rebirth. A time of new beginnings...

Heroes. Long gone.

The problem with this Century is that we have no Heroes.

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60 Years Since John 'Fucking' Kennedy Was Shot

It is 60 years since Nov 22 1963, when President John F Kennedy got popped in Dallas, Texas.

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President Kennedy starts the Motorcade in Dallas on that fateful November day.


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