us of the glorious Howardland years.
Transcript of "Labor Horror" speech,
John Winston Howard PM:
Australian life is a hideous thing, and its
malignancy is no accident. It is the result of the
urges of the merest fraction of the whole cosmos
of substance and energy. It is not by sheer good
luck that my Government can bring only fear and
Australia is calloused and seared, and the Budget
has became a thing of sinister menace. Yet when we
came to office, Australia was grotesquely
heterogeneous, just to cover the interest on what
was stewing in men's crushed brains, but even that
is a trifle.
Now when our soldiers need a monstrous
abnormality, we can afford it. We can provide
extra funding for certain forces of great power
and exceptional malignancy.
We can spend billions of dollars on the small
drops of water that torturers let fall ceaselessly
upon one spot of their victim's body.
None of this could have happened without a kind of
hideous and calculating appraisal of the correct
doctrines of theology. The country does not always
run on a noxious Satanic autopilot.
We have enjoyed years of being driven mad by the
ugly trifles of existence, the result of good
economic management, an ambitious reform agenda
and the daily torture of the commonplace.
Australians have become accustomed to social
dissonances of exquisite morbidity and
cacodaemoniacal ghastliness, and so they should.
The main priority of every government should be to
cultivate deliberate illusion, and dabble in the
notions of the bizarre and the eccentric. That is
the foundation stone of good government.
Australia's poisonous sermons, gibbering
hideousness, perversion, and diabolism will be put
at grave risk if Labor gains office. Labor has
already promised to end the unimaginable blackness
beyond the gangrenous glare of workplace reform
and there are disturbing signs of marvels that are
strange and terrific.
Moreover, we should never forget that over the
last 11 years, Labor has opposed the dull
Coalition scavengers who live atop a mountain of
economic bones; those who know many obscure
secrets of the worlds of dead things.