Colourful Election

Artwork to be used in this month's Victorian state government election would suggest that a new style of colourful campaigning is in vogue on the hustings.

The art and associated election propaganda leaked to Xenox News this morning in an anonymously delivered manilla folder is understood to have come from the office of an inner Melbourne Labor Party MP in a desperate attempt to win voters back after a drubbing in recent polls. The art will be printed on campaign flyers to be letter boxed this week.

Whether the artwork would also appear on how to vote cards has yet to be decided according to campaign strategy notes included in the bundle. Some of the potential slogans in the campaign notes included:  "Better the arsehole you know" and another which appears to have originated from the ALPs powerful dirt unit "What you don't know about the opposition leader's wife".

The way things are shaping up would suggest that this state election could be one of the most colourful in Australian history.


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