John Howard, Alexander Downer and Phillip Ruddock should be prosecuted as war criminals because that’s what they are.
Earlier this year brave Melbourne lawyer Rob Stary called out John Howard, Alexander Downer and Phillip Ruddock and suggested in no uncertain terms that they should be prosecuted as war criminals. What follows is a short transcript followed by a link to a surprisingly somewhat unviewed video of the interview.
We’re the lapdogs of the US, we’re the junior Texas cowboys. With (former PM) John Howard, all sorts of disparaging remarks were made about him and his relationship (with the US).
These things are invariably driven by, firstly, economic considerations. There are driven, secondly, by geopolitical-strategic decisions. And a distant third is the individual rights of the citizen.
And so the Australian government is embarrassed. They knew there was going to be relevations. They know there is going to be more revelations. And I expect that they should be embarrassed about the illegal pretext for the war on Iraq.
We know that there has been a terrible loss of life from the armed services. But that is incomparable to the tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq itself that have been killed, in a war that was initiated on a false pretext. And we are a party to that.
You will remember that recently Tony Blair, I think he encapsulated the attitude of the West, said (this was in the Chilcot inquiry) even if the war itself was unlawful, I don’t care, I would have still gone ahead and invaded the country, using then the pretext of regime change as the basis for the invasion and the occupation.
That’s unlawful. He should be prosecuted as a war criminal. John Howard, Alexander Downer and Phillip Ruddock should be prosecuted as war criminals because that’s what they are.