The "Pro Mubarak" supporters appearing on the scene after the gathering of one million pro democracy supporters invites some serious questions.

The "pro Mubarakerers" arrive together en masse (without the availability of internet or mobile phone communication), wearing hoods, wielding clubs, knives and machetes, tear gas and what appears to be an unlimited supply of molotov cocktails and then, with the use of police vehicles, begin creating havoc and methodologically building barricades enclosing in the protestors in  "Liberation Square". They also target all camera wielding journalist, ceasing the cameras and giving them a belting.


Before they begin their Pro Mubarak chanting they force their way in front of the Egyptian State run TV station...

Unlike the Pro Democracy protesters the Egyptian Army did not filter and body search these people into the square...

Be interesting to know who planned this interesting method of clearing the square...

"Leave it to us Hosni, we have diffused things like this before"...

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