By the powers of darkness

Without bodily motion or teeth, we chew
insistently upon nihilism's fragile technology.

Rome was defeated by false technological
rationality and humankind's fundamental fear: the
fear of displeasing Satan. The reinvigorated
religious beliefs that festered in the ruins of
Rome are now translated into the favourite madness
of agitated schizophrenics.

I seek the Truth, but it is a dedication to a
fetid exudation of stinking desolation from a
vanished mythology. From the landscape of
monolithic scepticisms comes a human abnormality
that opens the door to delusion and pathology. The
soul enters the dark night of pointlessness and
forgets intellectual comfort and naturalness.

The veneer of civilization and progress is just a
horrible death-fetish, as good as leprosy. We eat
of the illusion of progress, and the utterly lost
are rendered idiotic on their journey. In a
submission that is death, they eat the poisonous
fruit of defeat.

So now, my life is all about suffering like a
real-life satanic murder. No disease was more
horrible than the tormented philosophy of the
Great Australian Dream itself, yet my contorted
philosophical intellect still leaned toward a
descending order of preference.

As I ponder the burden of organized coercion I
feel my heart grow heavy. I wanted to experience
more outgrowths of filthy conformity getting torn
open by progress - a new orthodoxy coated with
market reform and death. I wished to be more
efficient and effective than ever in promoting the
deterioration of society.

Despite years of talk about the functional
manifestations of greed, success and happiness are
not the final outcomes of degeneracy and delusion.
I am the last to deny that impression. What I will
do is try to seem alive, to save the soul from
some intolerable burden. Let the truth cure our
stupid world of adoration and obedience.
Unspeakable cruelty is the true cost of capital.

I lived with this desire for self-development, but
I was granted greed, shortsightedness, and
insanity - the fruit of egoism, individualism, and
Howardism. We were in direct contact with the
geographical centre of Hell, and the only sounds
we heard from our unquestioning faith, rattled
like atrophied or rudimentary vestiges of
divine revelation.

The merry dance of morbid broodings, and the
religious point of view, are rubbing salt into our
rotting wounds, and neither science nor technology
can find the ultimate means for blocking the lurid
glare of tormenting truth or its dangerous heat.

The procedure to prepare the spurious dignity of
relativism can sometimes be tricky for those new
to antiepileptic medication and the narcotic fog
of philosophical writings.

I followed the smell of madness and deciphered the
Bible without questioning its peculiar doings. It
moved slightly in my mind and opened inwards with
a flash of futility that lit up the illusion of

I had committed the unspeakable crime of mental
restlessness and I tried to move to a safe refuge
but the cemetery of electric horror blocked my
view, until finally, the strange stone house on
the far side of idiocy gave me shelter in my dark
night of pointlessness.

I sought objects of value, but I was brought to
this landscape of unspeakable cruelty. All the
whores of cannibalistic conformity are seething
with some malignant purpose, and exert influence
over my severe doubts. Some alien blasphemy has
filled them with a callous and sick malignancy.

We are offended by the effects of egoism as a
popular remedy, but I know the invisible hand of
the latest savagery. Consider, for example, the
bipartisan politics of market bestiality. Its dark
and fraudulent properties are truly squalid.

Leaning against the shadowland of dreams, and
ceasing my futile productivity, I opened myself to
stupendous new vistas of corruption and
dishonesty. That is precisely how the soul enters
the dark ditch of bizarre uncleanness.

With bestial, sneering brutality, the hedonistic
desire for market forces was impinging upon the
human nervous system. The puppet people had
discovered the door to delusion and pathology.

A compact and abbreviated spinal column now
applies nervous twitches and meaningless movements
to the disintegrating world of adoration and
obedience. Impending doom is going the fiendish
extra mile on its slide downwards towards total

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The Year That Was 2024