The Scam of Modern Science

Scientists. We are out there thinking. Thinking all the time.

Now I am not talking about those numbnut fucking social 'scientists'; I mean the real ones like me. You know, that wear the white coats and invent things.

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And some of these real Scientists are also thinking about what Science is. The Philosophy of Science.

In fact, one of those Scientists has even published a piece on it:

Science offers the best way of knowing—as long as we don’t confuse what “is” with what “ought to be”


And the writer of this mind blowing screed? Dr Doolittle. That's right. Dr fucking Doolittle. I thought the last we heard of this prick he was singing to the animals...

Anyway, here is some of the gold from his manifesto:

"We scientists should be even more careful not to allow what we think is “right” to influence what we think is “true” of the world. What we think is right changes with time and context, but what we think is true should be our eternal goal."

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Christ. When I read this twaddle I wanted to puke. Is this what science is meant to be about nowadays? Are we all meant to be on some glorious quest for the truth? A science for Humanity? For the Holy fucking Grail perhaps?

Fuck that!

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Now, I can tell you that it is true that with Science we can make the world a better place. With it's one hand of logical wisdom, and with the one hand of the market, we can have us all leading wonderful, carefree lives. With Science you can be King, and your many wives Queen, at least for a day.

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Remember, Science is ultimately about Power. My Power over nature. My Power over time. My Power over the universe. And my Power over you. Or at least, the you's who need to be powered over. And that's a fucking lot of you!


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As for the side effects...well, that'll be your fucken concern. With my Science I will be living high on the hog and not giving a shit.


Professor Williams,

Xenox Institut,

New Guinea Highlands.


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